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 Chattogram Metropolitan Police
Exclusive Updates   জঙ্গী, মাদক ব্যবসায়ী, অস্ত্র ব্যবসায়ী, রাষ্ট্রবিরোধী চক্র সহ যে কোন অপরাধ সংক্রান্তে (যোগাযোগ করুণ-০৩১-৬৩৯০২২) তথ্য দিন। ভাড়াটিয়ার পরিচয় নিশ্চিত না হয়ে কেউ বাসা ভাড়া দিবেন না, বাসা ভাড়া দেওয়ার পূর্বে অবশ্যই ভাড়াটিয়ার নাম-ঠিকানা ও জাতীয় পরিচয় পত্র যাচাই করে ভাড়া দিবেন।


Victim Support Centre:-

Under The direct Control of Chittagong Metropolitan Police , a Victim support centre is established in the central point of Chittagong city. It is located at the Double mooring thana compound. It is constructed and funded by the UNDP (United Nations Development Project). The Victim Support centre started its journey on 26th January,2014. It is governed by the direct concern of an Assistant Police Commissioner  & is Supervised by the same authority. Lady Police officers administered this victim Support Centre & is open for 24 Hours for the all types of lady and child victim. The objective to establish the VSC is to protect the victim from repeat victimization. Victim Support Centre provides Medical & legal assistance to the oppressed and helpless women & children.

Services of this centre are as follows :-

● Legal Assistance
● Medical Services
● Counseling
● Residence for 7 day
● Garments & Food
● Recreation & indoor games
● Services from the nurse
● Legal & rehabilitation service via partner NGO`s( There are 10 partner NGO`s who help the victims at different levels to provide them legal & medical assitance)


Address:- Victim Support Centre
Double Mooring Thana Complex, CMP  
Mobile:-01713-373249, 01769-690411 (24x7 open)
TnT: +880 2-41370348

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